Technical difficulties with forecast feeds, thanks for your patience.

Friday, March 30

Friday: Rainy, W far East; Coast storm continues

**New: Sat/Sun updates on forecast pages**

 Gorge, Week
  Rain everywhere. Strongest wind out East, and least chance of rain, with temps nearing 65F. Wind speeds at Rosie and beyond up to 30+ mph.
  Saturday is unlikely to be anything sailable. Sunday windy from Doug's out, but temps dip to 53 F at best. Nothing sailable after Sunday through Wed. 
Rain and wind continue through Saturday. Gusts near 40 mph, temps near 50 F. Temps dip on Saturday. 

--Refresh each page for latest outlook--

Thursday, March 29

Thursday: Early E Gorge, switching to W in East; Coast stays strong S

 Gorge, Week
  Early E wind in at Western sites today. Strong W wind at Eastern sites in the afternoon. Tomorrow, a good chance of W wind out east. 
  Today and tomorrow show some promise, but Sunday is the only day in the next week that shows potential. 
Forecast for strong S wind continues mostly in the South. Rain likely all day. 
--Refresh each page for latest outlook--

Friday and Saturday forecasts have been published. 

Wednesday, March 28

Wednesday: W in east Gorge; strong S on Coast

(6:04 pm - Evening update for Thur/Fri is now available)

 Gorge, Week
  W winds out east today, air temps near 60 F. Overcast with some rain likely. Similar tomorrow with early E in the western gorge. 
   W winds most likely on Sunday, but still too early to be sure. Air temps near 60 F.
Huge S to SW winds still forecasted up and down the coast, strongest in the south both days. Temps nearing 50 F.

--Refresh each page for latest outlook--

Tuesday, March 27

Tuesday Morning: coast remains strong; E at Rooster

(Tuesday evening, for Wednesday/Thursday, update is out, see links below) 

 Gorge, Week
   Mild E at Rooster today, air temp near 50 F. Tomorrow, mild afternoon W in far east, Roosevelt best, with air temp near 60 F. 
   W winds arrive in time for weekend and last day of March/April Fool's Day; air temps near 60 F. 
 Strong S to SE forecast continues for the South Coast today, more widespread tomorrow, shifting slightly to S to SW.

--Refresh each page for latest outlook--

Monday, March 26

Custom Forecast Pages, NOAA data

(Updates for Tuesday/Wednesday are posted)
I continue to refine Forecast formats, time of updates, background code, etc., please comment with opinions, thanks! (Permanent links are also in Forecast column at right)

Sunday, March 25

Coast forecast: Daily Update

I am working on a custom NOAA Oregon coast forecast--more locations to come. If you are interested in a daily post, send/post a message so I can gauge interest.
(Click to enlarge)

Friday, March 23

Hmmm...this would be fun!

Courtesy of Sunset Sailboards

Windless today; early E tomorrow; New week ahead forecast

Early Easterlies on Saturday are the only chance of getting some water time in the Gorge in the coming week. But, the coast looks like there will be several opportunities in the week ahead.
Custom NOAA Gorge forecast

New week outlook page added: Week ahead

Wednesday, March 21

Custom NOAA Forecast Permanent Page

The custom NOAA forecast has moved to a permanent page, listed at the top of the "Forecasts" column at right. This is the location:

Tuesday, March 20

More Wind!

...frustrating isn't it!

I was browsing my video folder and this one made me smile. This was a great day out East, June 2011. We were all under-rigged a touch, but the waves were still great with the river running near 500k cfs. (A friend is shooting the video; that's me on the first wave.)

Windy today; not windy tomorrow

Lots of wind today; weather not too bad out east:

No wind tomorrow:

Monday, March 19

Wind on Tuesday; no wind on Wednesday

Major wind likely on Tuesday, near 60F out east:
Source: NOAA  USGS

Not much to look forward to on Wednesday:

Monday Late E; Tuesday W wind returns

9:21 am PDT update
E wind prospects getting better:

Forecast has improved for tomorrow:

Source: NOAA  USGS

Sunday, March 18

Sunday: Morning update

There may be some sailing to be had today, maybe...
(Format edited at 11:03 PDT)

Friday, March 16

Saturday forecast: go East

Saturday was looking better than Friday all week, hopefully it will come through!

Friday: W wind in the Far East

Wind remains best out east with moderate temps. Peaks likely in mid-afternoon. Loroc has the best prospects: starting the day at 13; up to 26 by mid-day; back to 11 at 6pm.

Wind improves at all sites tomorrow. Roosevelt and Loroc remain best with starts near 16, highs at 32, ending near 20. 

Thursday, March 15

Gorge wind for Thursday

This 'Candlestick' chart shows what the expected wind is at each Gorge site. For each site, the Open is 6am, the High is the maximum gust, the Low is the lowest average speed, the Close is the 9pm average speed. The way to read it is, a 'black' Candlestick indicates that the wind is decreasing during the day; a 'white' Candlestick indicates increasing wind. The upper and lower lines show how wide or gusty the day's wind is. The wind direction on the X axis is the direction at 3pm.

Thursday: Storm winds continue...

...S to SW wind at Port Kelly is a rare opportunity to sail that site with ideal wind direction and 60 F air temperatures. High wind should peak mid-afternoon. Water temperature is up to 42 F.

Wednesday, March 14

Wednesday: West wind, shifting to E and S later

...Stronger wind tomorrow with lots of South in it, could be perfect, and rare, Port Kelly sailing.

Tuesday, March 13

Stormy Today

Forecasted maximums at Gorge launches today (not scaled to time, formatting in progress) : 

Friday, March 9

No wind today, maybe weekend

A new system is coming in this weekend that will boost wind on Sunday out east, but temperatures drop significantly. Saturday could see some action if the system arrives early--east sites only. 

Thursday, March 8

Rooster/Stevenson E Wind Today; Mild W Doug's tomorrow

...gusts to 35 mph; far east sites shifting to W late Thursday. Some models show a chance of shift to 20 mph W on Friday at Doug's to Maryhill; Saturday lighter. 


Wednesday, March 7

Light W Today, Mild E Tomorrow

Parsed from NOAA forecasts
Click to enlarge. On enlarged screen, click to advance picture. 

Tuesday, March 6

Mild Westerlies Today; Easterlies on Thursday

The corridor should be sailable today, probably best at Doug's/Rowena but possibly good at Maryhill/Rufus too.  Windspeed averages in the low 20s with gusts up to 30. Air temp cold at 39F; water temp is up to 41F.

The direction shifts to easterlies on Thursday, early signs suggest modest 25 to 36 mph.

Monday, March 5

Wind today and tomorrow; light afterward

(Update below) Big wind is forecasted today for Doug's and points east. Far east spots will be the best where rain is less likely and sunbreaks are more likely. Air temperatures should be near 50F in the west but 60F out east; water is still 40F. Tuesday may also be windy, but less power and the center moves closer to Doug's and Maryhill. The rest of the week looks light.

(Attached map is average windspeed and direction, gusts could up to 50 mph.)

This is one of the best wind set-ups for the east Gorge: cloudy on the coast AND far inland, sunny from The Dalles to Boardman. 

Friday, March 2

Go East: Saturday at Threemile

The center of the action on Saturday should be at Threemile with temps up to 58 and wind up to 31 mph. Water temperature is up to 40 F. The wind gets lighter as you go west or east from Threemile; the corridor is a dud.

Sunny and warm on Sunday, but no wind.

Thursday, March 1

NOAA, Maps, Oregon


Forecast (check timestamp, if AM scroll down to second table)
Source NOAA: Avg Wind/Dir. -- Gust -- High Temp -- Low Temp -- Wave Height

Windspeed and Direction
Day 1

Wind Gust

Day 1

Day 2

Day 2

Day 3

Day 3

Afternoon forecast during evening and night:
Windspeed and Direction

Day 1

Wind Gust

Day 1

Day 2

Day 2

Day 3

Day 3